Scholarly Journal
p_ISSN 2536-5479 e_ISSN 2536-5487
Svetlana K. Perović
University of Montenegro
Faculty of Architecture

The Cities & Futures accepts exclusively original work which has not been previously published and it is not being considered for publication elsewhere, in whole or in part. Following reception of the manuscript, editorial board is making the decision whether the manuscript is in accordance with the policies and scope of the journal. If so, it is subjected to a double blind peer review process. After the reviewers have given their opinion and the manuscript revision by the authors, the final decision on acceptance or rejection is made by the editor-in-chief. Author, reviewer and editor have to strictly abide by the ethical standards of the journal and cannot have a conflict of interest. Any form of plagiarism is strictly forbidden. The journal policy supports transparency in the whole process of manuscript publication.


Authors should prepare the manuscript in accordance with guidelines before submitting their new or revised one through the online submission system. If you have any questions, please contact the editorial office via e-mail (or the editor-in-chief via e-mail

Manuscript preparation Manuscript format

The article should be prepared in Microsoft Word format, double-spaced on standard A4 sized paper, in one of the standard fonts (Arial, Times New Roman, etc.), 10 pt font size. Title of the article should be written in lowercase letters in 18pt font size, bold, headings in the main text in 12pt and subheadings in10 pt.

Manuscript length

The article should be in the range of 5,000–7,000 words, including tables, figures, graphics, acknowledgments, and references.

Language & style

The article should be written in English (British or American, but not mixed), in the third person, with a clear style, free of jargon. If English is not the author’s first language, the manuscript should be checked by a native English speaker.


Authors should use The International System of Units (SI) in manuscript preparation. Units are not to be italicized.


When first appearing in the text, terms or definitions should be written in full with their abbreviation in parenthesis. Abbreviation should be used for each following mention.

Manuscript structure

The article should include the following: Full title, Abstract, Keywords, Main text, Acknowledgments, References, Tables and Figures. The manuscript should not contain the names of the authors.
Full Title: The title should be concise and clearly reflect the content of the article.
Abstract: Abstract should be written in 250 words maximum and should contain the purpose of the research, methods, principal results and major conclusions.
Keywords: After the abstract, there should be 6 keywords, separated by commas.
Main text: The main text of the article should include Introduction, Materials &Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusions.
Acknowledgments: There can be an acknowledgment section. It should be placed after the main text and before the references.
References: All references need to be cited in the main text, and must exactly correspond to an entry in the reference list. Unpublished results should not be used in the main text and the reference list. Footnotes should be used sparingly. The article should use at least 30 relevant references, with preference towards leading international publications. Citing articles that have been published in the Cities & Futures journal is suggested..
Citation in the text: References in the text should be cited in the following form: (author’s last name, year). For four or more authors use the first author followed by "et al.".
Since Ellin (1999) has shown that…; Donaldson, Ward, and Bradley (2010) studied…; Several studies (Evan & Marvin, 2006; Despres, Brais,& Avellan, 2004; Giri,2002) argued …; „Transdisciplinary vision, which replaces reduction with a new principle of relativity, is transcultural, transnational, and encompasses ethics, spirituality, and creativity“(Thompson Klein, 2004, p. 516).
Reference list style: Author(s) should follow the American Psychological Association (APA), Sixth Edition (2010) style in referencing. Please visit
References are placed in alphabetical order of authors.
Article in a scholarly journal
Despres, C., Braisn, N.,& Avellan, S.(2004). Collaborative planning for retrofitting suburbs: transdisciplinarity and intersubjectivity in action. Futures, 36(4),471-486. Book Ellin, N. (1999). Postmodern urbanism. New York: Princeton Architectural Press. Edited book Gibbs, P. (Ed.). (2015). Transdisciplinary professional learning and practice. New York: Springer. Chapter in an edited bookHadorn, G. H, Biber-Klemm, S., Grossenbacher-Mansuy, W., Hoffmann-Riem, H., Joye, D., Pohl, C., Wiesmann, U., & Zemp, E. (2008). The emergence of transdisciplinarity as a form of research. In G. H. Hadorn, H. Hoffmann-Riem, S. Biber-Klemm, W.Grossenbacher-Mansuy, D. Joye, C. Pohl, U. Wiesmann, & E. Zemp (Eds.), Handbook of transdisciplinary research (pp. 19-39). Springer Netherlands. Entry in a reference bookKurtović-Folić, N., & Perović, S. (2012). Environment and housing. In The Encyclopedia of housing (Vol.1, pp.166-168).Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Article in a conference proceedingsAchten, H., & Kopřiva, M. (2010). A Design Methodological Framework for Interactive Architecture. In G. Schmitt, L. Hovestad, L.Van Gool, F. Bosché, R. Burkhard, S. Coleman, J. Halatsch, M. Hansmeyer, S. Konsorski-Lang, A. Kunze, & M. Sehmi-Luck (Eds.), Future Cities: Proceedings of the 28th Conference on Education in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe. Paper presented at the eCAADe 2010 : Future cities, ETH Zurich, 15-18 September (pp.169-179). Zurich: ETH Zurich. Tables: Tables should be fully titled, typed on a separate page, and placed after the Reference section, at the end of the article. All tables should be cited in the text, and numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals (Table 1, 2,...). Tables should be prepared in Word format, 9 pt font size. All table columns should have a brief heading or units of measurement. Horizontal lines mark the top and bottom of the table and separate the column heads from the table body. Horizontal lines to separate lines of data and vertical lines should not be used.
Figures: Figures should include full attribution information as well as captions with titles, sources, and should be typed on a separate page, placed at the end of the article (in optimal resolutions). All figures should be cited in the text and numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals (Figure 1, 2,...).

Supplemental materials

All figures, graphs, line art, should be supplied in black-and-white with the highest quality (600-800 dpi at the standard size) and should be uploaded together with the manuscript submission as supplemental material in TIFF or JPG format (Zip files). All figures/graphs citied in the main text with Arabic numerals should match the uploaded supplementary material.
Besides primary materials, authors can send additional files that may contribute to a more advanced manner of presenting research results.

Ethics & responsibility

Authors should insure that the work is original, not previously published or in the process of publishing in another publication, that all of the sources are correctly listed and with the necessary permissions, that the work does not violate privacy rights and intellectual property rights of other persons or organizations, as well as that the contribution of the authors is properly stated.
Authors should not be in any kind of actual or potential conflict of interest.
Any form of content and results plagiarism is strictly forbidden.
In case the authors notice an error in the manuscript after publishing, they are obliged to inform the journal’s editor-in-chief.

Online submission

Authors should submit the manuscript exclusively via the Online submission system (register and/or login to submit new manuscript).
When submitting the manuscript authors should fill out the Online submission form with the following: Issue type (regular issue or special issue); article type (original article or review article); full title; abstract; keywords; authors (number of authors, full names, affiliations (an institution, department) and e-mail address of all authors, corresponding author); and upload manuscript files (article and supplemental materials (figures, graphs, etc.)) and submit the manuscript to the editor-in-chief.
If you have any questions or problems in the process of manuscript submission, please contact the editorial office via e-mail:

Peer review process

After the authors send the manuscript, editor assigns reviewers to the manuscript. After the double blind review of the manuscript and revision by the authors in accordance with suggestions of editors and reviewers, the editor sends the decision of acceptance or rejection of the manuscript to the corresponding author, no longer then 40 days from the reception. The corresponding author can monitor the manuscript status through the online submission system.

After acceptance

Once a manuscript has been accepted for publication, the corresponding author should submit the final version of the manuscript via the online submission system.

Publication charges

There are no submission fees for this journal.


Manuscript is subject to the double blind peer review process. The reviewer should help in the process of making the decision on the suitability of the manuscript for publication in the journal, as well as in its improvement and making the final decision of acceptance or rejection. If you have any questions, please contact the editorial office via e-mail

Review manuscript

In the process of reviewing the manuscript, the reviewer should identify Article type (Original or Review article), evaluate the quality level of English language and Style and evaluate the quality through the analysis of the basic structural elements: Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusions, References, by attributing the appropriate quality level (Excellent, Above Average, Average, Bellow Average, Poor).
The reviewer should primarily keep the following criteria in the manuscript review process: Topicality, originality, choice of methodology, interpretation and relevance of the results of research, logic of conclusions and the character of the references.
The reviewer gives a recommendation to accept, revise or reject the manuscript with constructive comments and suggestions. If the recommendation is that the work needs some corrections, following the reviewer’s opinion the authors send the revised version of the manuscript.
The reviewer should fill out all of the elements in the online report form and submit the review of the manuscript via online submission system.
Via online submission system, the reviewer can follow the manuscript status.

Ethics & responsibility

The reviewer should respect the confidentiality of the review process.
The reviewer should notify the editor-in-chief in the case they consider themselves unqualified for the manuscript review.
The reviewer reviewerers should notify the editor-in-chief on eventual real or potential conflict of interest.
The reviewer should alert to any form of plagiarism recognized in the manuscript.
The reviewer should ensure an objective evaluation of submitted contributions for publications.